
The Latest Moronic Right Wing Racist Meme: The "Obama Phone"

Charles Johnson9/28/2012 11:08:01 am PDT

Absolutely sickening and vile. These people should be in a mental institution.

Expel and Raze. The sooner the better.


Damn shame this Eltahawy wasn’t given a bit of a tazing at the same time…


OK americans, the time has come. We will now begin taking our country back.


Doomberg had to be on the inside of the “Muslim Cabal” that took down the towers.


You can demand that a poster be taken down…nanny state…but you cannot tell us how to think! and my thinking is that these types of muzzis are vermin!


The Muslims with the help of people like Obama, Clinton, Napolitano, and Bloomberg plan to “Dhimmitize” this whole Nation. They must be stopped.


Muslims react to being called savages by acting like savages.


Muslims react to pretty much everything by acting like savages.