
Robert Stacy McCain's Latest Excuse

dugmartsch9/30/2009 1:45:54 pm PDT

“They’re attributing that to me based on something they don’t know anything about.”

I think I’ve seen this line of paranoid argument in every article I’ve read of RSM’s (the few I could force myself to read). He’s basically calling his critics stupid for not knowing things he hasn’t disclosed that would immediately exonerate his purported bad behavior if they were known — yet he refuses to identify them.

I was going to talk more about his critics vs. his supporters but this guy is a paranoid bigot and doesn’t deserve that kind of attentive analysis. The fact that this guy wrote a book with the person who ghostwrote a memoir of a candidate for vice president should give everybody the ickies for how incestuous a part of the right wing has become.