
California Parents Buying Anti-Vaccination Hoaxes

NY Nana3/31/2009 8:32:56 pm PDT

As a 7-year old, my first trip to NYC to see relatives? I was the guest from hell; I came down with chicken pox the second day I was there. This was in 1945. My poor cousin had a sign on the door from the NYC Board of Health: Quarantine. I was miserable, and had a very high fever. I also managed to have the mumps at age 9, on one side, and on the last day of contagion? The other side. I missed a lot of school. I also had the measles when I was a kid, and the German measles as an adult. I caught it from a classmate in nursing school.

There were no immunizations. And my kids? They all got the Chicken Pox, and being perverse, each one did it on the last day of contagion of the one who had it. This added up to nearly 4 months! Now that 3 of the 4 are are parents, I have never even had to suggest immunizations for the grandkids. Re thimerosal in the influenza vaccines? Yes, there is a tiny amount in adult vaccine, but they make it for children without any whatsoever, pertaining to age, even though there is no danger. I would imagine that it is important enough to make sure babies from the age of 6 months of age to, IIRC, around 3, as some parents do not like the truth, and thus should have no excuse. My now 2 1/2 year old grandson had his first one at age 6 months, and I imagine it had some it. He is fine, and this past fall, didn’t even cry. There was a green lollipop in the deal. ;)

The UK and some other countries, and also pockets of the USA have had some horrific endemics of whooping cough in the past few years, as more people join the fear mongers.

I remember when the late Princess Diana took her 2 sons for a public vaccination to try and quell fears in the UK…NY Grampa and I will continue to get our flu shots every autumn, even though at our age, early 70’s, it is not as efficacious as it is for those who are younger.

I am saving this thread…there are enough heroes to fill a large room, but sadly, enough nay sayers to make Charles look like he knew exactly what he was going to get, but put this thread up to try and educate a few Luddites.

Good on you, Charles.

Here is the info from the CDC on the subject.