
Karl Rove: Republicans Are Looking at Up to 450 Data Points About Each US Household

Ming6/27/2013 8:54:50 pm PDT

Since World War II., the presidency has gone back and forth between Democrats and Republicans, every 4 or 8 years, except for 1980 - 1992, when the Republicans had it for 12 years. One explanation is that after 8 years, voters are tired of one party, and vote for the other party.

Think about it: after Roosevelt and Truman (D), 8 years of Eisenhower (R). Then, 8 years of Kennedy and Johnson (D). Then, 8 years of Nixon and Ford (R). Then, 4 years of Carter (D). Then, 12 years of Reagan and Bush (R). Then, 8 years of Clinton (D), 8 years of Bush (R), and so far, 8 years of Obama (D). You can see the “back and forth”.

I’m not happy about the above pattern, because it may work in the Republicans’ favor in 2016. On the other hand, the Republicans have offended so many people who aren’t white and male, they may have an overwhelming demographic disadvantage. Here’s hoping the D’s keep the White House.