
Podcast o' the Day: The Bob & Chez Show, 1/28/16

Charmingly Persistent1/29/2016 1:27:53 pm PST

So I take it there are still four Patritos at the refuge? I am actually a little bit impressed that they are all hanging tough so far. I wonder how their stash of snacks and beer (and pot!) are doing.

I am very impressed with law enforcement catching Tarp Man’s entire flight and crash and subsequent thrashing around and trying to get his gun out of its holster on camera. That took both planning and skill. It won’t convince the dead enders, of course, but most people can plainly see that LE was doing its damnedest to avoid bloodshed and this was suicide by cop.

I was griping about the slow response to this situation a few days ago, but I take it all back. These people have learned from previous run-ins and are being professional and thorough so far.

I shudder to think what the refuge will look like after all of this. :-(