
The Wild Conspiracy Theories of an Unhinged Islamophobic Blogger

Casual Talker7/31/2010 1:49:10 pm PDT

re: #117 Obdicut

I wasn’t just kidding. And I used words precisely.

When people say “pink is the new black”, do they actually mean that pink is, overnight, the most used color in the spectrum? No, they mean that pink is the new go-to color, that it’s being used a lot more, suddenly. Which is what I said, using what we call in English an ‘idiom’.

X is the new X is a phrase. It’s not part of formal logic. Then saying that I’ve made a ludicrous argument— when I haven’t made any argument— is just needlessly dicking around.

So in what respect does sex = hate? Help me understand so we can have a more productive conversation.

FWIW, my interpretation of your statement related to cultural coverage and interest. If I’m wrong about what you meant I’m happy to be corrected.