
'New Black Panther' Case Inquiry Released - Verdict: Bogus

Targetpractice3/30/2011 12:32:05 pm PDT

re: #100 Buck

You are wrong, they did prosecute. This investigation states that they had good reason to prosecute. Not only did they prosecute, but the DOJ got default convictions.

They had a credible witness (Bartle Bull) ready to testify.

Ignoring that the DOJ felt that there should have been a re-investigation AFTER the default conviction seems strange to me.

Not simple.

Bartle Bull, you mean the guy who went on Fox & Friends and forgot to mention he was a poll watcher for the McCain campaign with an intense dislike for Obama? Or that his assertion is that the NBPs were, in actuality, there at the polls under the orders of ACORN?

Oh yeah, truly a “credible witness.” *rolls eyes*