
Richie Kotzen: "Raise the Cain"

Targetpractice9/26/2020 10:06:05 pm PDT

Saw Josh Marshall’s remarks posted downstairs and I’m split on this, mostly because I feel he has a point but it’s one that’s sort of lost in the reality of the situation. I agree that no Senate Dems should meet with Barrett, should not even given the appearance that they are considering her nomination at all. But Senate Repubs are looking for an excuse, any excuse at this point, to cancel the politically bruising spectacle of hearings and just jump straight to the voting. And as it stands right now, they have the votes on paper to confirm her Nov 3rd. And the base needs to some measure of resistance, some effort to bring this process to a crawl if not a complete halt, before then.

So go forward with the hearings, use the opportunity to put both her extremism and their hypocrisy on display, show up for the debate before the vote, and then make a very public display of walking out the moment the vote begins. Don’t stick around to vote “nay,” just get up, grab your things, and walk out the door.