
A New Song From Tom Waits: "Take One Last Look"

CuriousLurker5/30/2015 5:44:21 pm PDT

Annnnnd behold the grift. You knew it had to be coming, right?

For Ritzheimer that attention has taken the form of walking the streets around the mosque waving an American flag and wearing a t-shirt that said, “F-ck Islam.” He’s also organized protests like the Freedom of Speech Rally Round II, a followup to a similar—but smaller—event on May 17. […]

When the May 17 event seemed to go unnoticed, Ritzheimer actively promoted the next event through Facebook and an interviews by Anderson Cooper. […]

Now Ritzheimer says fake social media accounts set up in his name by counter protesters added to confusion about the event as well as raising his profile in a way that leaves him with long-term safety and fears. Ritzheimer said he’s now in talks with his supporters about setting up a GoFundMe account to either buy security cameras and self defense training for his wife or to relocate his family.

So the attention whore was actively seeking all this crap out through repeated provocation, and now that he’s gonna try to profit from his hateful bigotry we’re to believe he didn’t plan things with exactly this outcome in mind?

Uh-huh, yeah, free speech defending, America loving patriot my ass.

K, I’m going back out—just read that and wanted to drop it off.