
James Taylor: "Angels of Fenway"

Hecuba's daughter4/20/2024 11:16:48 pm PDT

re: #121 Targetpractice

It’s a testament to Ukraine’s resolve and fortitude that they have managed to hold the line this long despite deliberate efforts by the GQP to sabotage the war effort. Assholes who are deliberately holding up funding not because they have some ideological opposition to the war or “better” plan, but because they genuinely believe that they will score brownie points with a certain branch of voter if the war effort ends in a Russian victory of one degree or another.

I will not celebrate until the foreign aid packages pass the Senate. Given the GOP allegiance to Trump and the way he torpedoed the immigration legislation, I retain the concern that Senate Republicans who previously supported the bills will suddenly show their cowardice again and do a 180. Republicans cannot be trusted to do what’s best for our nation.