
Cool Guitar Video of the Day: Joe Satriani, "Nineteen Eighty"

Belafon2/22/2020 3:49:21 pm PST

re: #118 thecommodore

If the turnout is high enough nationwide, I think Sanders can overcome this.

It pains me to say this, and you may think I’m nuts, but I think Bernie is the best hope to beat Trump.

Yes he’s old and recently had a heart attack, and yes the GOP will portray him as a pinko (even though cold war paranoia went the way of the rotary dial phone), and yes there is reason to worry that he is benefiting from Putin ratfuckery, and the Bernie Bros are fucking idiots. But if he wins the nomination, those same fucking idiots are less likely to stay home, or vote third party, or even vote for Trump (ergo, the reason I call them idiots. Why on earth do lefties like Bernie Bros think we will gain anything by voting for Trump?).

Turnout is the key. A large Democratic turnout wins every time, and a large enough turnout might just give us the win we need to remove any doubt).

I think most of us are arguing over who creates a large turnout. Will or won’t Bernie? Does his hatred of mainstream Democrats hurt him or will the usually unreliable young vote carry him? Will he hurt downstream candidates or help them? How about the other candidates?