
Erick Erickson: Liberals Who Reject That Men Should Dominate Women Are Anti-Science

Charles Johnson5/30/2013 10:40:13 am PDT

At Geller’s hate site, a seriously whacked out rant:

They were linking to a hit piece by Charles Johnson at the blog Little Green Footballs. Longtime Jihad Watch readers may remember Johnson as a once-prominent counter-jihad blogger who, for reasons still unknown, betrayed all his principles and began devoting his time to smearing his former friends and associates. His site still exists, although it is now just a bitter, spiteful hate site wholly dedicated to defaming and destroying those who are trying to defend freedom. Having proven himself thoroughly untrustworthy, Johnson is shunned by the Left and despised by the Right. The only people who still take him seriously are the stealth jihadis at Hamas-linked CAIR, who find his hate screeds useful to demonize voices of freedom and clear away all obstacles to the advance of the bloody jihad that just struck on the streets of Boston, London and Paris. And so they eagerly distributed this piece: “Pamela Geller Spreads Hatred and Lies at,” by Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs, May 29.

“For reasons still unknown!” It’s that sekrit Muslim conspiracy money!