
Mayor Mike Bloomberg Apparently Targeted With Ricin Letters

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)5/29/2013 7:28:34 pm PDT

re: #124 CuriousLurker

OT: I’ve spent the past couple of days having a serious battle with cigarette cravings. It seems the more I recover and the better I feel, the stronger the desire to smoke gets. It’s REALLY annoying.

As a matter of fact, yesterday I nearly caved: It was my first trip alone to the drug store, and all those cigarettes were just right there. Yeah, they’re stupid expensive (almost $9/pack in NJ), and I know starting to smoke again could seriously shorten my life or (worse) leave me disabled, but still the damned addiction is soooo strong (I smoked for 35+ years).

Anyway, I was feeling all twitchy & snarky over my deprivation, then I read this, which reminded me of the 19-year-old former cheerleader and friend/crush of A Mom Anon’s son who passed away just few days back from an aneurysm:

That pretty much made the cravings evaporate.

Young lizards: Please, please, please mind your health—you may not feel the damage you’re doing to your body, but it’s there and will eventually bite you in the ass.

Older lizards: As long as you’re still kicking, it’s not too late to stop.

*climbs down from pulpit*

//Okay, okay, I’ll try not to get all preachy too often.

Thanks for that CL. I decided last month that I was finally going to lose weight. 5 pounds so far. Had a little setback since I had a really bad cyst on my back but I’m back to working out every week day at the gym. Once the pool opens. It’s going to be mornings at the gym, afternoons doing laps, and evenings doing walking. Would love to get down to 200 by this time next year.