
Climate Change: Halfway There?

jcm4/29/2009 7:56:51 pm PDT

Repost from earlier today….

Let’s stipulate two things.

1) Cyclical climate change is real phenomena with a large natural component.
2) That anthropogenic component of climate change is debatable, from negligible to a primary climate driver.

Taking those two stipulations what do we do?

1) The political drive is to assume the anthropogenic component is the primary driver and climate change can be altered by altering human behavior on a large scale.

2) The other solution is to adapt to climate change as it occurs, making necessary changes as needed.

The problem is with solution 1). If it turns out that the anthropogenic component is not a driver, and altering human behavior will have little or no effect on climate then all the resource poured into that solution are wasted. And if this solution is wrong then we aren’t prepared for natural climate change assuming we could alter the cycle.

If we put the resources into solution 2) it doesn’t matter how or why climate change occurs we will be dealing with it. This solution covers both contingencies of climate change, both anthropogenic and natural.