
Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rhetoric in 'Email from Norway'

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/29/2011 1:13:33 pm PDT

re: #123 Fozzie Bear

It’s a strange world we live in. Individuals who choose to engage in public speech can now do so, and reach a much wider audience than ever before. But, they can also go back and effectively change the past much of the time. If nobody had noticed that post before Pam did, she might have been able to change it without anyone knowing the difference. Google cache only reaches so far back, so if it had escaped notice for a little while longer, it would have been very difficult to prove she had ever typed the sentence under discussion.

As much as the stalkers love to prattle on about memory holes and the like, there is a real issue there. History, especially relatively recent history, is far more voluminous than ever before, and far more malleable.

Had nobody noticed, Crazypants Geller might have been able to un-say what she had said before. It’s not like there’s an internet print edition to check back on. All we have is caches and wayback machines, which are unreliable on a good day, and limited in storage capacity.

What a strange world we live in.

Also makes you wonder, though, what else is she changing around and deleting.