
Video: A Message From the Greatest Generation (NSFW)

sagehen10/31/2012 12:45:10 am PDT

MSNBC is doing a very nice job of smoothly relating their storm & aftermath coverage to their political leanings…

The Ed Show has lots of footage and descriptions of the ongoing rescue work — mostly cops and firefighters, a bit of national guard, the treetrimmers, the public transportation that evacuated people in time, the schoolteachers who are staffing shelters — and then “these are the middle class, these are the people whose collective bargaining rights were at stake in the Wisconsin budget fight and Ohio’s bill 5 and (some other state’s thing), these are the people whose wages are stagnant and pensions and healthcare benefits getting cut to offer more tax breaks to people who make 20 times as much, but who do we count on when shit happens…”

Rachel’s playing up the awesome pre-planning — that part of shutting down the NYC subways was disconnecting a lot of electrical equipment and moving it upstairs where it wouldn’t be ruined by the floodwaters (saving about $4 billion worth of gear), that FEMA prepositioned federal search and rescue teams and electrical lineworkers in Jersey with all their supplies and equipment so they could get to work immediately when the winds died down (no wonder Chris Christie is so happy), that investment in NOAA is why the predictions were so spot on that all this pre-planning was effective and BTW did we mention that Romney wants to cut NOAA funding or maybe privatize it….

now I have to watch Lawrence and see what angle he used…