
Video: A Message From the Greatest Generation (NSFW)

ausador10/31/2012 12:57:42 am PDT

re: #122 AK-47%

Yep, personally I don’t find it funny at all, just offensive and needlessly crude. I understand what Michael Moore was aiming for, a sort of camp vibe, but in my opinion he missed the mark by a mile. The threat, even joking (is it really a joke?), to “burn it down” if the Republicans “steal the election” is repulsive to me. Sounds just like the Freepers saying they are bringing out their guns if the Democrats “steal” the election.

I’m honestly surprised that anyone can like that ad, but I guess everyone has their own tastes about humor. When I watch it all I see is a lot of ugliness with a superficial layer of incongruity based on setting and characters that is supposed to make it farcical. It doesn’t work, at least not for me…