
Thanksgiving Night Open

William Lewis11/29/2013 7:44:00 am PST

My personal machines all run some form of Unix: Xubuntu if it’s new enough, OS X on my son’s PPC mac & BSDs on older hardware (though, alas, the pentium I bought to run Xenix on is too fast for the floppy drive timing loops…put DOS 6.22 & Win98SE for old games on it. Still trying to get a real OS for it though.)

My wife is running 7 on her laptop. It’s ok, but they’ve changed so much in the Office UI that it makes me long for Wordstar. My son also has a battered old Dell laptop running XP since it was licensed for it and I could put an old copy of Office on it for his homework. I also put my copy of Adobe CS2 on it in case I need it (rarely) because Wine rarely works well enough.