
Stunning New Music and Video From Crowded House: "Teenage Summer"

Targetpractice4/13/2024 9:04:38 pm PDT

re: #45 silverdolphin

Many people think it should be like gas prices and drop when things get back to normal. But not likely to happen wrt food.

Folks could be somewhat forgiven for that because virtually every time they turn on a TV, their radio, open a newspaper, or check a news site, they’re bombarded with the idea that inflation means things are more expensive than “normal.” That it’s not a measurement of how much the overall prices of goods/services has gone up compared to a prior period of time but instead the idea that prices are over a certain “normal” and thus if inflation comes down then prices will do so as well. So if inflation were to drop down to 0.5% and thus prices virtually stuck in place, you’d still hear folks complain about how prices are “higher” than they were a year ago.