
It's Back to Nature with 'Home Grown Funnies'

133 5:43:57 pm PDT

re: #43 researchok

Apparently, three grandchildren were also killed.

I agree that Gaddafi and ought not tro elicir any pity.

But his grandkids and the other kids in the region who have no hope of escaping their prison is heartbreaking.

I know people in the region, I have been there a few times. They don’t deserve the hand they have been dealt.

They are the biggest victims of Arab tyranny of all. They have been taught to hate, to reject freedoms and are subjugated in every sense of the word.

I always experience a bit of confusion when I hear news like this - I hate hearing about anyone getting killed, not a time to rejoice, IMO. On the other hand, sometimes people find themselves in a position where they will either kill, or be killed (or they are close to someone like that). It’s an awful thing, any way you look at it. On the other hand, I would not shed tears if Qaddafi were out of the picture one way or another.