
New From Keith Olbermann: Which of Trump's Cronies Will Flip on Him First?

Targetpractice3/27/2017 6:50:42 pm PDT

re: #127 Brian J.

Who exactly would do the prosecuting? Not CSA Attorney General Sessions, surely? And anyway, there’s this guy in the White House who can serve a piping hot stack of pardons whenever he wants.

Well, to address the last first, we already know that under judicial precedent that accepting a presidential pardon is equivalent to a guilty plea, so they might be hesitant to take any pardons he’s offering.

As for the former, we’ve seen this happen enough times to know how it goes: Point to the guy who cuts the first deal and accuse him of being the true mastermind, claiming that the people he turned on are really victims. Then accuse the FBI of letting the “real” criminal get away.