
Amazing Finger-Picking! Hwajong Kim (김화종): "Genesis"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/31/2021 3:38:45 pm PDT

re: #109 DesertDenizen

How’s the High Desert doing? I grew up in Victorville in the ’90s. When I voted for the first time in 1996 it was in someone’s garage and they tried to talk me out of voting because of the “D” after my name in the log. 18 year old wasn’t having it. They also tried to take my ballot instead of letting me put it in the box.

Kind of like my first election in 1980 at sea, when the command demanded that military absentee ballots be left open so they could see how you voted. If they couldn’t talk you out of voting for Jimmy Carter, they noted it for your next performance evaluation (not a team player).