
Florida Primary 2012

BongCrodny1/31/2012 6:23:42 pm PST

re: #125 CuriousLurker

The only thing I’m 100% sure of, as I said back in September of last year, is that the GOP establishment is deeply entrenched and has a lot to lose. They may not be as loud as the Tea Party insurgents & knuckle-dragging fundies, but they’re cunning and aren’t averse to knifing their own in the back. Anyone who thinks they’re just going to roll over and give up power without a fight is kidding themselves.

Anyway, interesting exit poll results here if no one has posted them yet (I haven’t read through all the comments).

It’s pretty amazing that Mitt won *all* financial categories: “Getting Ahead,” “Holding Steady” and “Falling Behind.”