
New From Olbermann: The Amazing New Trump Defense: "It's Not Illegal!"

Interesting Times6/26/2017 8:45:25 pm PDT

re: #133 goddamnedfrank

Re the national Dems, why not propose a single-payer plan that’s costed out, even if it’s paid for by something the GOPer congress would never go for? (i.e. marginal tax hike on top earners)

US voters respond to grand gestures, not details. Look how much con-artist crap Pumpkin Pinochet got away with. To say things like “don’t bother proposing something that won’t make it out of committee” misses the point, I think - voters would respect you a hell of a lot more if you at least tried (and if your plan is scuttled, doesn’t that write the campaign ads for you? “We would have had single-player if it hadn’t been for R-Scumbag. Vote Dem next time”)

One reason turnout crashed in 2010 (which led to the GOPer majorities in a census year which led to the gerrymandering hell the US is in now) was because of disillusioned Dem base voters who didn’t think the ACA went far enough. Again, even if you know a bill won’t get anywhere, it’s worth proposing just so at least you can say you did.