
Right Wing Bloggers on Race

Fozzie Bear7/30/2010 11:38:46 am PDT

re: #133 Solomon2

It is a very good example of a gene that is not tied to any particular ‘race’, but will surface in any group that lives in that area for any amount of time.

That may be how modern science looked at it, but in the past Western observers would say something like, “Negroes and Indians are adapted to their harsh environment; white men are not.” Wouldn’t such people be labeled “racists” today?

It’s not racist to say that my pasty Irish ass wouldn’t survive a year in the Sahara desert. It is racist to say that a person from ethnic background X is likely to be intellectually less capable than a person from ethnic background Y, as a result of the difference in ethnicity.

And yet, you did say just that. It’s indefensible, incorrect, and fucking stupid.