
Time to Sound the Alarm: Unidentified Federal Agents in Unmarked Cars Are Arresting Portland Protesters

lawhawk7/17/2020 11:20:04 am PDT

Not just armed cops, but heavily armed riot cops who intend to smash and do damage to anyone who resists.

That’s the point. They are itching for a fight, because it’d guarantee Trump the headlines he craves.

They’ve sent out the jack booted thugs that the right wing always claims would come for them - to go after people for engaging in graffiti. Graffiti.

That’s usually handled as a summons, not even a misdemeanor. They want to assert their law and order credentials by going after people tagging stuff. All it does is that it shows Trump’s a tinpot dictator trying to hold on to power at any cost (including shredding the Constitution).