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Shropshire Slasher5/01/2024 11:57:51 am PDT
The wife of an ex-college professor convicted of terrorism-related charges was spotted hanging out at Columbia University’s encampment prior to the dramatic NYPD raid where cops busted 109 people Tuesday night.

Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday blamed “outside agitators” for the campus chaos, saying cops had identified individuals who weren’t Columbia students among the protesters.
While he refused to offer up names, Hizzoner told MSNBC during a media blitz that “one of the individual’s husband was arrested for and convicted for terrorism on a federal level.”

“One of them was married to someone that was arrested for terrorism,” he later reiterated during a follow-up interview on CBS.

Sami Al-Arian — who pleaded guilty in 2005 to fundraising and other support for the terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad — had earlier boasted on social media that his wife, Nahla, was among those who joined anti-Israel protesters at the Ivy League campus last week.