
Saturday Night Mahi-Mahi Open

NJDhockeyfan2/26/2011 8:04:35 pm PST

U.N. Security Council slaps sanctions on Libya

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. Security Council Saturday unanimously imposed travel bans and asset freezes on Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, members of his family and inner circle amid continuing attacks on anti-government protesters.

The council imposed an asset freeze on Gadhafi, his four sons and one daughter and a travel ban on the whole family along with 10 other close associates. The council also backed an arms embargo.

The resolution adopted by the 15-nation body also called for the immediate referral of the deadly crackdown on demonstrators in Libya to the International Criminal Court in The Hague for investigation and possible prosecution of anyone responsible for killing civilians.

Boy, that UN is seriously tough. Mo is probably shaking right now after that can of whoopass was just opened up on him.