
What's Really Going on Behind Texas SB 5

Ian G.6/27/2013 8:26:49 am PDT

re: #144 Bubblehead II

Mariners to fly rainbow flag in support of same-sex marriage

SEATTLE - The Mariners will become the first Major League team to fly the rainbow gay pride flag at a game this weekend, in a show of support for same-sex marriage.

Well, that’s the sociamulist hellhole that is Seattle, so of course they hate ‘murrica and celebrate sodom and gomorrah. /////

BTW, how come when wingnuts blame the implosion of Detroit on “liberals”, they don’t also attribute the success of a place like Seattle (transformed over time from a gritty mill town into a tech hotbed) on liberals too? I mean, I don’t see too many wingnuts running things there.