
Surreal, Disturbing Short Horror Film: "Unreel"

Joe Bacon ✅11/27/2023 6:47:40 am PST

Michael Voris founded the radical far-right “Church Militant” organization in 2006 to speak out against reforms in the church and to play an active role in right-wing politics. Voris and Church Militant has been persistently at odds with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, especially for their stance on liberal immigration.

In addition to fiercely opposing immigration, Voris has consistently spoke out against LBGTQ rights, climate change, and other issues he deems as “woke.” He said the 2020 election was stolen, Democrats are all communists and not real Americans, and cheered on Elon Musk’s recent lawsuit against Media Matters.

It turns out that Voris, by his own admission, has a very dark past and present. So much so, that he was just forced to resign from the organization he led and founded for the past 17 years. Voris issued a statement about the resignation, but typically for the hypocritical right-wing hate squad leaders who won’t own accountability for their actions, refused to say exactly what he did. This is part of what he did say:

“There have been failings in that area with regard to me - my own personal behavior. I don’t want to make any excuses for what I’ve done. There aren’t any for what I’ve done … Sometimes it takes horrible events, even at your own hand in your own life to surface certain things that need to be faced. There are some very, very ugly truths from my past that I have avoided facing because I didn’t want to … There are things that I have to go away and address and work on. They are horrible, ugly things. I’m not going to share them. It’s nobody else’s business except mine.”