
Mitt Romney: I'd Vote For Ron Paul

Killgore Trout12/29/2011 2:03:36 pm PST

Kind of interesting stuff going on Over at Dkos. This hit the top of the Rec List…
Vote Against FDR in ‘44

Executive Order 9066 is a crime against our constitution. It allows for the indefinite detention of US citizens by the military inside the US - without a trial. It is the worst law ever handed down by a President and it was done with nary a peep of opposition.

So, I don’t know about you, but I think it’s high time we send a message to the guy in the White House that we demand a more progressive President. I know the guys on the other side are bad (seriously, Thomas Dewey? How can he possibly stand up to FDR’s socio-economic policies, after giving a thumbs up to the New Deal? And Taft, that loony non-interventionist? We’d all be speaking German by now if he were in charge.) But it’s time we sent a message, that we got you here and we can take you out.

We voted for change, dammit. And FDR is nothing but a disappointment.

Kos doesn’t allow anti-Dem or 3rd party advocates to write diaries so they had to get a little clever.
There seems to be a little bit of pushback..
“Obama Hating” might be hip but sabotages The 99%

Cenk Uyger, Adam Green and several “progressive influencers” think it is hip to hate on Obama like the “Occupy” Movement is now perfecting but are helping send the “Progressive” brand into the same fringe category that will scare away the many rank-and-file progressives that support President Obama and are willing to call out his failings, but NOT sabotage him, because he is obviously in one of the most difficult circumstances an American President has ever faced and is doing more for The 99% than they will ever do.

Let’s hope they’re starting to wake up.