
Most See Inequality Growing, but Partisans Differ Over Solutions

A Mom Anon1/27/2014 12:26:49 pm PST

I worry like crazy about my kid being able to support himself with the current crappy job market. Hell, I worry about The Husband and myself ending up homeless because it seems like there is simply no upward mobility anymore, especially once you hit age 45 or so. When I was 19, I had a union job that paid enough for me to support myself. Then a mysterious fire happened, the factory shut down and those jobs NEVER came back. That area is so economically depressed it’s entirely possible the small town my dad grew up in will be a ghost town in a few years. No one under age 50 is staying there, everyone is leaving because there are no employers in the area except for WalMart and Home Depot. I left there when I lost my job and moved south, during the 80’s construction boom. That boom is over, and things are not getting better unless you’re wealthy.

Why is it that corporations have more money now than they ever have, and yet they’re telling us they simply have no way to hire more people? They’re hoarding money like crazy and not doing anything with it but speculating and gambling with it. Fuck them.