
Saturday Night Mahi-Mahi Open

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce2/26/2011 8:14:38 pm PST

re: #109 Gus 802

Awful. A few years ago I was reading through the website “Neighbors from Hell”. I’ve never encountered such neighbors even though I’m complaining now. They sound like the ones I read about. Although when I was a kid we lived in this lowlife neighborhood for about 2 years. Some strange ones there.

I had a neighbor from hell once. It really seemed as though she lived every moment of her life waiting for one of my dogs to bark, and then behaving as though it was the same thing as hosting a Black Sabbath concert on my driveway at 3:00am on a Tuesday.

She called the HOA, she called the police multiple times, and she sent certified letters threatening litigation. The problem is, my dogs weren’t the droids she was looking for. Aside from the fact that my dogs weren’t unattended outdoor barkers, she claimed dog noise incidents occurred on days when we were out of the state with our dogs in tow.

Thanks to her, a cop once showed up in the middle of the night when we were asleep, our dogs in the same room of course, and dented the shit out of our front door with his flashlight. The fact that our dogs barked at THAT was proof enough to him that she was in the right, and wrote us a citation that was promptly dismissed. I hope he has hemorrhoids.

Even weirder was the fact that EVERYONE in the surrounding area had dogs, and a few of them barked 24/7. I don’t know whether or not she complained about everyone else. We had never spoken a word to her, so I don’t know why she chose to focus in on us.

When we got divorced, my ex rented the house to a couple who had 4 beagles who were the loudest, noisiest mo-fos I’ve ever heard in my life. They barked ALL THE TIME. I very happily sent my ex a certified letter stating that I did not object to her renting out the house, with the stipulation that the renters must be allowed to keep their pets.