
Michael Gerson: Trump's Failing Presidency Has the GOP in a Free Fall

A Cranky One3/31/2017 5:17:53 pm PDT

re: #97 Romantic Heretic

Must admit I prefer the restored WWII aircraft.

I’ve seen most of the American ones, that I know of, including the P38 Lightning. I think there’s still a P40 or two still in the air. Haven’t seen those yet.

I’ve seen one of the Me 109’s still flying. A G model as I recall. I’ve still yet to see one of the Fw 190s or the single Me 262.

There’s a Lancaster based here in Ontario I’ve seen. Also seen a couple of Spitfires. I know there’s a couple of Mosquitoes still airworthy. I’d love to see one. Hell, I’d kill to fly in one. Semi/

There’s a Yak 3 still flying. That’s on my bucket list.

Oh I love the old warbirds.

About 15 years ago I heard a plane and looked up to discover a B-17 flying overhead. It banked in a big curve and flew back overhead. And I thought to myself “I’ll probably never see that again”. And I probably won’t.

My dad was stationed at Wright Patterson air base for several years and I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Air Museum there many times. At that time, most of the planes were on display outdoors and you could walk up and touch the planes. Got to wander around and really get to know a lot of old warbirds. Even then, I remember looking at some of the aircraft and thinking to myself, “What kind of idiot would fly one of these things?!” Scary.