
Robertson: Gay People Deliberately Spread HIV/AIDS by Cutting People With Special Rings

Kragar8/27/2013 2:08:27 pm PDT

Lonegan: It’s ‘Weird’ Cory Booker Won’t Say If He’s Gay; ‘I Personally Like Being A Guy’

Booker’s Republican opponent, Steve Lonegan, was asked about Booker’s response by Newsmax’s Steve Malzberg this afternoon, and said he didn’t know if Booker is gay but thought it was “weird” that he was unwilling to answer the question, speculating that maybe “it helps get him the gay vote by acting ambiguous.”

But Lonegan was sure of one thing: Steve Lonegan is a real man because “as a guy, I personally like being a guy” and he is certainly not one of those sorts who goes in for things like manicures and pedicures like Cory Booker does!

“It was described as his peculiar fetish,” Lonegan said. “I have a more peculiar fetish: I like a good Scotch and a cigar, that’s my fetish. But we’ll just compare the two”: