
Watch Live: President Obama Delivers a Statement on Ferguson Grand Jury Decision

sagehen11/24/2014 8:04:16 pm PST

re: #128 Cassidy

Isn’t time we accept the reality that we can’t “provide” them ammunition. They do that themselves with every imagined slight and fauxtrage.

Are you very young?

Try to remember that the people sitting in at Woolworth’s who endured the abuse without fighting back, the marchers on the Edmund Pettis Bridge who endured the assaults without fighting back, the non-violent protesters at hundreds and hundreds of events… the reason they finally won is because they got the cameras there to watch them endure the abuse without fighting back. They shamed the nation into finally giving them what it should have given them generations before already.

If they’d fought back, it would not have gone well for them. If they’d insisted on exercising their 2nd amendment rights… seriously, you don’t see how much differently everything would have ended? That’s what the right wing is trying to provoke them into. They must not take the bait.

It’s about getting the cameras there, to document the abuse they endure without fighting back.