
The Door Opens (Update: The Door Shuts)

Slightly Drooling Love Child of Beck3/30/2010 1:07:26 pm PDT

So I was walking down the street the other day and there was like this man and he was talking about how the end times are coming.

I asked him why…

He said Global Warming!

Now what a load of crazy that is!

I told him how all of those scientists are like in a big secret conspiracy to totally make the world communist! It’s all in that indoctrination that they get from the Ivy League! Well take your MIT and think your way out of this mister! If you are so smart then how is it that someone like me, who had problems with algebra one can so easily out think you? Huh?

The world is not ending because of Gorebull warming! It is ending because the communists are going to take over the world in a one wold state with Obama as a religious figure in the new atheism to replace Jesus. Then there will be the apocalypse and you will need to buy gold! And seeds!

After I set mister scientist straight… he agreed to buy gold!

I love her adams apple… yummy.