
A Picture of Bad Craziness: New Poll Shows 54% of Republicans Think Obama Is Muslim "Deep Down"

Dr Lizardo2/25/2015 12:41:12 pm PST

So, in looking at the reaction to Net Neutrality, it seems the wingnut wackadoodles have all but convinced themselves that NN means that President Obama will personally be controlling their access to the intertubes, and he - and he alone - will decide what news they read, and the Breitbart and Free Republic will soon, no doubt, cease to exist, and that all PATRIOTIC ‘MURICANS will soon have no choice but to publish samizdat literature on ancient mimeograph machines, and that President Obama will make them get an “internet ID” using their names/addresses/SSN’s, which will make it easier for him to send them all to the FEMA camps where they will be converted to Islam and then forcibly gay-married or something like that.

Sounds legit. ///
