
A Gritty, Powerful NPR Tiny Desk Concert: Black Dub (Trixie Whitley and Daniel Lanois)

goddamnedfrank1/31/2015 3:35:23 am PST
Mary Cheney wants to know why it isn’t “socially acceptable” for a white person to “put on blackface and act out offensive stereotypes of African-Americans” if drags queens are allowed to imitate female stereotypes?

Oh Christ. Listen lady, it seems to me as a straight dude that the impetus for drag queens in the gay community started as a sub/conscious acknowledgment that at the root of homophobia lies misogyny. The community fostered it as a form of expression to in part take the sting out of being attacked for a perceived failure to express traditional masculinity.

They weren’t so much making fun of women as they were trying to buy society a fucking clue and maybe have a momentary laugh at their own second class status and subjugation. This is one of many, many reasons why the comparison to blackface is totally goddamned ridiculous. And really, if I can figure that out then how can you as a lesbian, who’s had your own rights and family equality denied along with gay men throughout most of your adult life because of the same perceived failure to conform to gender roles, not simply intuit that shit?