
Stunning Photography: The Story of Torne River

jaunte12/26/2012 7:47:55 pm PST

One of the “members of a group called the Republican Main Street Partnership, nonradical conservatives who sometimes call themselves “center right”:

Bill Johnson, U.S. House - District 6, Ohio.

From the “Special Interest Group Ratings” at Vote Smart:

2011 American Conservative Union - Lifetime Score 92%
2011 American Conservative Union - Positions 92%
2011 Concerned Women for America - Positions 96%
2011 Eagle Forum - Positions 53%
2011 Heritage Action for America - Positions (House Only) 86%
2011 National Journal - Conservative Composite Score 85%
2011 National Journal - Conservative on Foreign Policy Score 86%
2011 National Journal - Liberal on Foreign Policy Score 9%
2011 National Journal - Liberal on Social Policy 17%
2011 National Journal - Liberal Composite Score 16%
2011 National Journal - Conservative on Social Policy Score 83%
2011 National Journal - Conservative on Economic Policy Score 90%
2011 National Journal - Liberal on Economic Policy Score 10%
2011 The Club for Growth - Positions 70
2011 The John Birch Society - Positions (Summer-Fall) 70%
2011 The John Birch Society - Positions (Spring-Summer) 80%

2011 The New American - Positions on Conservative Issues 70%

And this guy is considered a moderate.