
You Expect Me To Believe That?!? (Ft. Tim Robinson)

Eclectic Cyborg3/24/2024 7:37:06 pm PDT

On a different note, here’s a poem I wrote I thought many of you would appreciate.


I looked to the stars tonight
And all I saw was you.
That time we danced by candlelight.
All the wars we battled through.

That summer night I held your hand
Our first quiet autumn trip.
A hundred things I should have said
That never left my lips.

The little pranks you played on me,
The lame, unfunny jokes.
That goofy hat you used to wear,
When we spent time with your folks.

Ours weren’t always easy lives
There were times of guilt and shame.
But if I ever had the chance
I’d go back there just the same.

I remember how you hugged me so,
I remember your sweet touch.
The moments that we shared together,
How I miss them oh so much.

We were two imperfect people.
“Too different”, some might say.
But we always made it work
Because we wanted things that way.

It was worth every dime and penny.
Worth every bead of sweat.
Worth every little, annoying thing.
Worth it all, and yet…

I never knew what it would feel like
If I didn’t have you here.
To calm my ever racing mind.
To loose me from my fears.

There’s a subtle breeze in the evening air,
A few distant, drifting clouds.
No bright lights distract my gaze,
No busy, noisy crowds.

It’s just me and my thoughts out here,
And a future still untold.
I don’t know where the story goes.
I don’t know what’s down that road.

Things are so much different now,
But I suspect somehow you knew
That when I looked at the stars tonight,
All I saw was you.