
An Awesome New Track From Knower: "More Than Just Another Try"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷12/25/2016 7:58:15 pm PST

re: #16 The Madness of King Orange (aka Sophist)

Yep. The GOP persued an amazingly cynical strategy of absolute obstruction, and the voters have rewarded them for it. I don’t know how you fight that, I really don’t

The GOP’s strategy has been going on for decades. (Reagan? Goldwater? McCarthy?)

The only way to counter it is a multi-decade campaign from the Democrats. You might keep hearing that “the GOP will pay a price for this or that” (pick a hobby horse: Government shutdowns, judicial obstruction, Congressional obstruction), but no one high up in the party comes up with a plan to make them pay that price.

It has been said about Democrats that they are like herding cats. We need a plan. Whatever is passing for a plan now isn’t working. Competing in fifty states might help.