
Thanksgiving Night Open

Blind Frog Belly White11/29/2013 8:56:08 am PST

re: #158 Sol Berdinowitz

and the classic rugged individualist approach: “You, with your limited resources, should be free to negotiate one-to-one with a multi-billion-dollar, international corporation without a union or government interfering! That is FREEDOM!”

Yeah. Suppose we reverse the situation. Let’s have all the workers organize, and want to negotiate as a unit with with each shareholder individually, but the shareholders aren’t allowed to discuss with each other what their deal is.

There was one guy on the bowhunting forum who seemed to hate unions even more than the rest of the guys did. He was OUTRAGED by the deals that unions got in the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies. He wanted to see the workers PUNISHED for driving the companies into bankruptcy, because it was all just union greed, not 30 years of making shitty cars and otherwise mismanaging. And the bankruptcies were the perfect time to crush the unions and claw back EVERYTHING - healthcare, pensions, etc.

It never fails to amaze me - CEOs and Hedge Fund Managers are not greedy for demanding and getting double-digit raises when they already make millions or tens of millions. That’s just The Market!! But working class people wanting a living wage, healthcare, and a decent retirement are Greedy Union Thugs.