
Jim Hoft Repeats the Right Wing Lie of the Week: That Nurse Kaci Hickox Hid Her CDC Job

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)10/28/2014 1:56:05 pm PDT

re: #166 Aunty Entity Dragon

This is meant as a serious question (and one that gets a lot of examination during the French Revolution)

At what point does insurection become allowable when faced with a violent, corrupt and injust system?

At what point does it become necessary?


That’s roughly the discussion point of when revolution is justified.

Necessity is probably a spectrum depending on the width and depth of the corruption; a locality, a state, a nation, or just a particular sub-system?

And lurking in the background is that most revolutions tend to get out of hand and often do not lead to the imagined utopia since once that genie is let loose it is easily appealed to again and again by those grossly interested in personal power and advantage without worrying about integrity or character.