
Overnight Open Thread

Nerdy Fish1/30/2012 6:34:43 am PST

re: #164 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Frankly, I’m a little late to that party. I was a complete prick while Clinton was in office until very late in his second term.

I liked Bush, and since President Obama has been elected I have tried to be very civil toward him. I think I’ve been effective to that end, because I have pissed off friends and relatives to no end with my “He’s the fuckin’ President, you need to shut up!” stance.

I try to be more civil when discussing these issues with my hardcore-GOP-for-life family. I generally hedge both sides by saying that I don’t like some of the stuff Obama has done (true) but that the Republican candidates are a bunch of whackjobs (also true). Generally, that’s enough to get a nod and a murmur of assent without ruffling too many feathers. When it comes down to it, though, I know which one I would prefer to be in office when the dust settles in November. And I’m pretty sure my family won’t be happy with that.