
Video: Four Million Suns in a Black Hole over New York

darthstar3/20/2024 7:30:18 am PDT

Well, I just had an adventure…

I went to the kitchen to make coffee for me and the missus - butt nekkid as one should - and there’s a fly buzzing around the kitchen. Now it had buzzed me before bed and I thought to shoot it out of the air but it was a bit dark at bed time so I left the loaded bug-a-salt with a live load in the chamber on the counter (safety on…I’m not stupid). So when it buzzed me this morning I just had to grab the gun, flip the safety, and wait for the fly to settle down.

Well, I’m standing there in proper assault stance and the cat decides she is better off on the floor further away from me, and the damn fly lands on the top of the little orange barrel. WTF? I shake it off and watch it for another few seconds before it settles again at the side of Eartha’s water fountain and I was able to take it out with one shot.

Sorry…no nekkid selfies with the trophy, but it wasn’t a small fly.