
Jon Stewart on Bill O'Reilly's Nazi Analogies

Coracle1/28/2011 2:25:40 pm PST

re: #168 Buck

Well that is your opinion. Mine is different and is based on actually reading the bill. I would like to read the bill that is existing to see if the word was added.

However, as it is not in the Section title, AND the definition of rape does not include non-forced, AND as no one has been able to give an example of rape that would not be classified as forced. Also the use of commas in the line is clear to show that it would include all incest, all minors and all rape. (plus the health of the mother).

Again, based on actually reading the bill as it is now.

Tuppence for trying. I read it, too. And you should damn well know that what you or I read from it doesn’t matter, but what an alleged rapist’s defense lawyer reads into it will. And you had damn well better know that a shrewd defense lawyer will use every legal and linguistic arrow in his quiver to help his client. Why hand him one so frivolusly and foolishly?