
Detectives in Antarctica

SanFranciscoZionist4/29/2010 2:24:25 pm PDT

re: #128 bratwurst

We certainly read a lot here about what people (right-of-center, generally speaking) DON’T think will help combat the obesity epidemic and the otherwise remarkably poor diet of a shocking percentage of Americans. Does anyone (of any political persuasion) have any suggestions as to what they think WILL help?

I’d start programs to provide seed money and mentoring for people who want to start independent grocery stores or franchises in underserved areas. The ones I know about are urban, but I bet there are business models that would work for rural areas as well. Same for gyms, etc.

Increased community policing will make it safer for kids to play in their neighborhoods and people will be better able to go jogging and such. Schools should have money for sports and health programs.

I’d like to see churches promoting health, through weight-loss groups, sports and fitness programs for grown-ups as well as kids.

I’d like to see us work as a society to divorce ideas about fitness and health from crazy unrealistic ones about beauty as defined by thinness. Doctors, in particular, have been completely stupid about this in my experience.

If I were the Dictator of America, I would ban any magazine from running cover stories about how to lose weight quick! or get your best bikini body ever! but I think freedom of the press makes that a little tricky. Stupid Bill of Rights!!!/

That’s off the top of my head.