
Fox News Admits 'Breakdown' on Sherrod Story

Cato the Elder7/29/2010 7:24:35 pm PDT

re: #127 CuriousLurker

Gee, I guess this means now I’m going to have to:

1) Get rid of my iPod and start screaming & cursing next time I hear God Bless America or The Star-Spangled Banner

2) Stop liking SFZ, Obdi, Bob, and all my RL Jewish friends

3) Take that Maimonides book out of my Amazon shopping cart

4) Stop liking Cato, Reine, Irenicum, Ace, and all my RL Christian friends & relatives

5) Kick every dog I come across

6) Figure out how, as a woman, I can manage to function while hating myself; I guess I should also inform my ex-husband and all the other Muslim men I know that it’s compulsory that they hate me as well

I’ll bet we hate Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy too. And kittens. And… I hope these people don’t make up any more new rules, because I don’t know if I can fit all that hating into 24 short hours. /

She goes on to say:

Here’s what’s really behind the Temecula mosque according to Serafin: America-hating imams are planning to build mosques “in every Christian city” so they can influence local politics, undermine our legal system and impose Sharia law on us all.

“In every Christian city”? So why are they trying to build one in New York?