
Jon Stewart: Leader's Digest

robdouth7/30/2010 3:42:32 pm PDT

re: #166 engineer dog

oh, i see what you mean now

i’m actually astonished that the bill, whatever its deficiencies, was actually passed. that alone justifies his first term to me, even if we have to wait for things to go into effect

but i’m also very happy to hear intelligent and sane things said by a presidential administration every day instead of otherwise

I don’t know, working in Hospital finance, I’m very scared of what the implications of the bill may be. Everyone talks about the insurance part and making sure everyone has coverage, no one talks about what might have to happen to make sure everyone has it, namely the lower reimbursement rate to hospitals, and whether a lot of the hospitals will be able to survive with a higher bad debt percentage. I’m not worried, because we have a good payor mix in my area, but I worry about a lot of the hospitals in the central valley, because I know they aren’t doing that hot now, if the reimbursement drops, we could see some go belly up. I haven’t been able to get a straight answer on how the reimbursements will fall, but just going from a lot of the other models for universal healthcare, the docs and hospitals don’t usually end up liking the situation, but they may just have the government prop up the NFP even more than they do now to make up the shortfall and keep the hospitals open.